Pink is the Color of Summer in Palawan
Do you love pink? If yes, then Palawan is the perfect place to love color pink even more! And if not, we’ll give you enough reasons why you should love this color from now on.
Summer is a good time to explore and discover new things. And Palawan is a good place to spend your vacation. Maybe summer for you is red hot but here it will be the exquisite pink that will make your vacation more colorful!
Here are some of the “pink things” that Palawan offers that will truly amaze you!
Pink Beach
Many local and foreign tourists are amazed by the beauty of the “pink sand” that can be found in Balabac, Palawan. The rose-tinted sand is due to the pink shells and red corrals which blended beautifully and make the beach look “pink.”
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Pink Hotel
You will definitely enjoy your staycation by booking in the lovely Palawan hotels here. But here’s the catch, Palawan has a Pink Hotel named Pink Inn Palawan where almost everything is pink. This is a perfect starting point to explore Puerto Princesa. It has 24-hour service, Free WIFI, airport transfer, tours and many more.
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Pink Trees
If you’re excited about cherry blossoms, well, you don’t have to go too far – as far as Japan. It’s because Palawan has its own version of the cherry trees which is locally known as “balayong.” It can be found right at the heart of the provincial capital – Puerto Princesa City. The local cherry flowers from March to June. And Did you know taht just recently Palawan held its 13th annual Mardi Gras-type Balayong Festival? What are you waiting for? have a wonderful and ‘flowerful’ summer!
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Love pink? Then love Palawan, too! Visit Palawan now and experience these wonderful things!